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Fiber Optic cables:

Optic fiber has inherent advantages over the other types of media. Some of them include the following among others:

Venlia has both Cabinets and Racks solutions to cater for these necessities. Our portfolio includes the following components amongst others:

  • Very high bandwidth. 
  • Insignificant losses.
  • Very low signal degradation.
  • No signal interferences.


Types of Fiber Optic Cables:


  1. Single-mode – all optical signals traverse through the middle part of the fiber core without any reflection. Suitable for transmitting data for long distances (above 100km). Useful for telecoms services such as internet, cable TV and phone signals which require high throughput.
  2. Multi-mode – optical signals traverse through the fiber core by continuous reflection over multiple paths. Suitable for data transmission over a few kilometers and at relatively low throughput. Useful for data networks and computers that tolerate retransmissions.


Fiber Optic Cable Accessories:

Venlia Incorporation supplies a variety of fiber optic cable accessories which facilitate the termination of optic cables. 

These include insert modules, media convertors, all kinds of connectors, adapters, pig tails, patch cords, patch panels and splice protectors among others.  

Kindly enquire from us and get a solution.


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