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Current business environments are dominated by the effects of globalization. The world is now under a single global village and thanks to technology for expediting this. Unfortunately, this has also posed a high risk of crimes and theft to the digital assets and illegal intrusion. There has been no other time when security was of paramount importance than this current era. The need for full proof security is on the rise by each day. 

At Venlia, we offer a centralized IP based video surveillance system. This solution can secure your organization’s valuable assets across all your branches from a single a single point.

Our Video Surveillance system offers the following benefits: 

  • Reliability;
  • Scalability;
  • Flexibility; and 
  • Has a smart video management system.

Venlia supplies a range of CCTV products and solutions to ensure you of a high level of security for your assets.

Kindly talk to any of our Technical Staff and get a solution today!

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